At the suggestion of one of the enemy players, THP agreed to host a league-style match the next Wednesday.
It was a disaster. Rob had finished a rework of the control_mess.o module and hadn't really had a chance to test it out. It also seems that patch 5 introduced a bug where missiles and plasmas wouldn't track. The enemy team was not familiar with league play at all. Probably half of them hadn't even read the documentation that had been advertised with the match. Add to this that THP had only 4 players at the start of T, while the enemy team had 8 on the field and 2 on the bench.
Only some deft editing of the shared memory allowed the game to start. THP had Fed, the world had Rom.
Since missiles wouldn't track, Hammor as base had a lot of difficulty defending himself from oggs. That, and a shortage of teammates led to his speedy demise. Minitaur, the Romulan starbase, survived basically unchallenged until the latter half of the game.
THP, with no starbase and no shipyard, resorted to 4th army skimming. KL - 1 was unstoppable and the Roms had difficulty keeping kills. While the Roms had quickly scummed their way to 10 planets in the beginning, THP enjoyed a slow, steady rise in the size of their empire.
Perhaps due to technical difficulties, perhaps due to disgust, some Roms bailed. Also, the Away captain had been kicked onto the bench and his client flaked out, preventing him from talking to his team. Add in the late arrival of a few more THP warriors and the tide turned. At 30 minutes the Roms began to see a spastic erosion of their empire. Reduced to 5 planets at 40 minutes, and with teams now even in number, their fate was sealed.
THP didn't manage a geno, but did give their opponents a tense LPS. Final score was 17-1, THP victorious.
The galaxy has been conquered by KL - 1 and the Federation!!!! The Federation(The Hammor Party): KL - 1 (Ff) 19 planets 57 armies 3 resources 12 dooshes Foo (F2) 9 planets 39 armies 0 resources 2 dooshes snowman (F4) 1 planets 2 armies 3 resources 0 dooshes Hammor (F0) 1 planets 11 armies 0 resources 1 dooshes cadence (F5) 1 planets 2 armies 0 resources 0 dooshes Ninja (F8) 0 planets 8 armies 2 resources 0 dooshes The Romulans(hammerdies): Rogue Flame (R6) 5 planets 17 armies 2 resources 4 dooshes Da Bear (Rb) 2 planets 29 armies 6 resources 6 dooshes Freaked (R3) 4 planets 21 armies 1 resources 2 dooshes Attack Yak (R1) 1 planets 27 armies 0 resources 1 dooshes Minitaur (Ra) 1 planets 7 armies 0 resources 1 dooshes Hot'n'Tot (R7) 0 planets 1 armies 0 resources 3 dooshes Check here if you don't understand the headings. player name epk eao eck pck ab pld plt rsb tac nad pad F <Foo> 23 2 1 13 17 7 9 0 44 36 81 F <Hammor> 25 1 1 22 1 3 1 0 34 23 67 F <KL - 1> 23 12 4 11 44 16 19 3 83 77 92 F <Kaos> 4 4 1 4 31 0 0 1 0 0 0 F <Ninja> 12 0 0 6 5 0 0 2 2 2 100 F <cadence> 3 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 2 2 100 F <snowman > 12 0 0 7 0 1 1 3 9 5 55 R <Attack Yak> 15 1 1 9 25 4 1 0 17 14 82 R <Da Bear> 27 6 2 9 13 4 2 6 23 17 73 R <DarkWing Duck> 4 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R <Erwin> 6 0 0 2 38 0 0 4 5 4 80 R <Freaked> 13 2 1 7 7 5 4 1 19 12 63 R <Hot'n'Tot> 14 3 1 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 R <Minitaur> 7 1 1 10 4 1 1 0 10 10 100 R <P. Atreides> 1 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 R <Rogue Flame> 32 4 1 12 17 6 6 2 49 32 65 R <Silverwolf> 12 0 0 3 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 player name fpk fao fck cak def dpf | ratio min F <Foo> 2 0 0 3 24 0 | 1.0 55 F <Hammor> 0 0 0 9 43 6 | 0.7 34 F <KL - 1> 0 0 0 1 16 2 | 1.6 53 F <Kaos> 0 0 0 0 16 0 | 0.2 12 F <Ninja> 0 0 0 0 35 2 | 0.4 45 F <cadence> 1 0 0 0 23 3 | 0.1 32 F <snowman > 0 0 0 4 14 2 | 1.0 21 R <Attack Yak> 1 0 0 1 15 1 | 1.1 56 R <Da Bear> 1 0 0 6 23 1 | 1.2 54 R <DarkWing Duck> 0 0 0 0 4 0 | 1.0 7 R <Erwin> 1 0 0 0 19 3 | 0.4 21 R <Freaked> 0 0 0 2 13 0 | 1.0 52 R <Hot'n'Tot> 1 1 1 0 27 2 | 0.6 39 R <Minitaur> 1 0 0 0 3 1 | 3.5 14 R <P. Atreides> 0 0 0 0 12 2 | 0.1 11 R <Rogue Flame> 1 0 0 10 25 2 | 1.4 48 R <Silverwolf> 0 0 0 0 15 0 | 0.8 34 _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 100.0 0 min epk def F <Foo> 1 1 2 F <Hammor> 18 42 2 R <Minitaur> 41 28 1 Planet graph Count for R team 10 |.........++++......|.........|.........|.........|.........| | ++ + | + + | | | | +- | +-++-+++++ +--+++ | | | | + | | +-++ | + +++ | | | | +++ | | | +++ + | | | 5 |..+-+....|.........|.........|.....+-..+.........|.........| | | | | ++++ + | | | | | | ++| +-++ | ++-+ | | | | | | ++-+-+ +-- | | | ** | * | * * | * |+ + | 0 ---========================================================== | | | | * * | * | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + | | | | | | 5 |..+-.++-++.........|.........|.........|.........|.........| | + |++ + + | | | | | | | ++-+ + | | | | | | + +-++ | | | | | | |+++ ++ | | | | 10 |.........|.........|.++-.+--++++..+....|.........|.........| | | | +| ++ +-+ ++ | | | | | | + + +++++ | | | | | | ++ +-++ | | | | | | | ++++- | +-+ | 15 |.........|.........|.........|.........|........+|++..+....| | | | | | +-+ +--+ | 17 | | | | | | + | Count for F team Sum of kills graph Count for R team 15 |.........|.........|.........|.........|.........|.+....+..| | | | | | | + + | | | | | | | + ++ | | | | | | + | + ++++| | ++ | | | | + | + + ++| 10 |......++.|.........|.........|...+.....|......++.|+.++++.+.+ | +++++++ +| + | + | +++ |+ +++ + | + +++ ++ +++| + | + | + + ++ ++ ++ | + | ++ ++ ++-+ | ++ + | + + ++ ++ ++ | + | + + | + | + ++ + + ++| +| 5 |...++....|.+...+...|......++.|++......+|.....+.+.|.........| | + | + | +++++ ++ ++++++++ | | | ++ |++ | + + ++++ ++++ +++ | | | ++ |+ | ++++ + + | + + | | |+++ | | ++ | + | + | | 0 -++====================++===========================+======== | +++ ++ | + + | ++++++ | | + + | ++ ++ | +++ + | ++++++ | | ++ + | | ++ +++++ +++ +++| ++++++ + +++ | | ++ ++ + | + ++++ + + + | + + ++ +++ + |+++++ + + 5 |...++.+.+|....+....++-++.....|....+++..+++++++++.++.++++.+.+ | ++ | + | ++ | + + ++ ++++++ |+ +++ ++| | | + | | + | + + ++| + ++| | | | | +++| | | 9 | | | | ++| | | Count for F team Potential carrier graph Count for R team 6 | +++ | | | | + | + | 5 |....+.++.|...++.+..|.........|.+.......|.....+++.|.++++.++++ | + ++++ + ++ +++| |++++ ++ + + +++++++++++ | +++ +++++ + ++-+ ++++++ ++ ++++++++ ++|+ +++ + | | +++ |+ | ++++ ++++ +++++++ + + | | -+++ | | +++ | + | + | | 0 -++====================++===========================+======== | +++ ++ | + + | + ++++++ | | + + + | +++ ++ |++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++ +++ + | ++ ++ + | +++ +++++ + ++-++ + + + +++++++++++++++ +++++++ +++ | ++ | | + + +++++ +++++++|+ +++ ++| 5 |.........|.........|.........|.........|..+......|..++.....| Count for F team Death graph Count for R team # ## # # ## ## ## # ## # # # # ### # #### ## # # # # # # ### # # # # ######## # # # # # # # # ### # ### # ### ## # ## ########## # # # # # # ##### ## ##### ########## # ## ########## ## ##### # #### ##### #### +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ ############### ### ###################################### ##### ## # # # # ## ######## ############ ########### #### ## # # ## #### # # ##### ### #### ##### # # # ### #### ## ### ## # ## # # ## # # Count for F teamHere's the raw tournament log for the game. Mosaic assumes it's html, which it isn't, so you'll have to File.View_Source if you want to be able to grok it.
Robert Forsman / <> Last modified: Sat Apr 9 11:30:40 1994