A Paradise Netrek Primer

(Gameplay Basics)

  1. Objective of the game
    The objective of Paradise Netrek is to take over all the other team's planets. To do this, you must fight space battles to get kills, beam up your own armies, beam down armies to enemy planets, and develop planets.
  2. Starting up the game
    The first thing you should see after you start the game should be the metaserver window. This window lists all the servers that are currently available for play. Select a server that says Paradise next to it, otherwise you'll end up playing just plain Netrek.

    Once you select a server, a screen should come up asking you for a name and password. Select an alias for yourself to use for your name. Or, if this is your first time playing and you're kind of nervous about trying to blast someone into oblivion, type guest for your name to just sample Paradise. If you want to know who the server gods are/have been:

    AliasServer GodServer
    Boscoe Jeffrey Watts lark.cc.ukans.edu, paradise-lost.kulua.org
    Hobbes R Kaut hp06.ee.ualberta.ca
    Kearsarge Eric Dorman tanya.ucsd.edu
    Lynx Brandon Gillespie pippin.ece.usu.edu
    a fungusamongus Larry Denys pippin.ece.usu.edu
    Bubbles Kurt Olsen pippin.ece.usu.edu
    Hammor Rob Forsman netrek.cis.ufl.edu
    Key Heath Kehoe aedile.icaen.uiowa.edu
    Kaos Mike McGrath eden.tanya.ucsd.edu
    MacCleod David Putzolu cassius.cs.uiuc.edu
    Gjor/Slider Ken Germann skypoint.pnetrek.org
    Brazilian Bob Glamm skypoint.pnetrek.org
    Data S.D. Franks field-of-dreams.mit.edu
    (All you other server gods send me your name, alias, and server !!!).

    Ok, so you've entered your name and password. Now, you should take a few seconds to look at the screen on the right hand side. Up near the top of the screen there should be four different teams you can pick from - Romulan, Federation, Klingon, and Orion. Directly right of the teams is the countdown timer; this timer counts down while you're idle. If you're idle for too long, the game quits. If you need more time, check out the Tournament Queue that is built into every Paradise server.

    Directly underneath the teams is a list of server parameters. Don't worry if you don't understand them all yet; you won't need to. Of primary importance is the ship list at the top of that section. Putting your mouse cursor into the Fed, Rom, Kli, or Ori boxes at the top of the window and typing a letter corresponding to the ship that you want to use will put you into the middle of the current game with that type of ship.

    Another thing of great importance is the planet limit. Check down the list of server parameters to see what the planet limit is; typically it is anywhere between 14 and 25, usually 17. This means that the combined planets ruled by your team and the opposing team can only add up to 17. Note that some servers have no planet limits. Take away!!

    Now, the left side of the window shows the copyright and whatever the message of the day is. This isn't too important yet, so go ahead and select a ship on the right side of the screen, or, take a look at the Hammor's window layout for reference in the upcoming descriptions. (Editor: I need some more actual screenshots with wormholes and the rainbowdashboard and perhaps just another layout, to show the flexibility)

  3. Basic ship descriptions
    Each ship is equipped with a few basic systems. Review these first; the next section provides a general summary for each ship type (and hey, if you want to know why they are in such lame order, I just took them right out of the server code. Deal with it. There is also a picture of all the ships for each race that you can refer to while reading the descriptions):
    SCOUT (SC)
    The favorite ship of the Brazilian because of its high maneuverability and low warp-entry time. That, and he can smack up battleships with it. :) Small, fast, maneuverable. Doesn't carry much fuel or weaponry, but can scan planets from distances (most other ships have to orbit a planet to find out what's on it).
    Lightweight, agile fighter. Packs a punch, and under a skilled pilot, can easily take out a battleship. It's not much good for attacks on bases, though, but it's low warp-prep time and high warp velocities make it a good tool for carrying armies around.
    Medium ship. This ship is about average in every category. Average weapons, average turning and speed, average army carrying capacity. This is the default ship unless you've changed that in your .xtrekrc.
    Heavy ship. This ship can't turn very well or go anywhere real fast, but if you're looking to get rid of that pesky enemy near your home planet or take out the enemy base, this is the ship that has the power to solve your problem. One of the two primary base killing ships.
    Another heavy ship. Basically a big army transport with good damage capacity. It's tractors/pressors aren't worth much, but it's torps can do some serious damage if used effectively. Mostly used for transporting armies around, because this ship can carry three armies per kill instead of two.
    This is the mother of all bases. This ship generally does planetary defense for two or three planets, as well as storehouse armies (up to 25 can be on board). Plasmas, missiles, killer phasers and torps make this a dangerous enemy to contend with one on one. The construction rate of resources is improved by orbitting starbases.
    AT&T (AT)
    If you see this ship, forget it. Wait until it blows you up and don't approach the ship again. It's unlikely that you'll ever get to use this ship; it's usage is the province of Gods and Emperors. (this holds true for the default setup. However, some servers use just the image, but otherwise it is a killable ship. Probably it's used to extend the range of ships power to the more-side)
    JUMPSHIP (JS) See BioHazard's Hints on How To Ride a JS
    This is a flying engine. With the highest warp speeds, nothing else will come close to catching it. Don't dogfight with it, though; it's phasers and torps can be sneezed at. Doesn't take too much damage, either. However, it's tractor/pressor range and strength can make this ship a real annoyance to the enemy, as well as its four docking ports that allow you to carry your ships to take planets or ogg.
    Cousin to the battleship. Another heavy ship, slightly faster and a bit less powerful than the battleship. Another ship of choice when attacking bases.
    The starbase's younger brother. Generally more maneuverable than a starbase, it comes with the same array of weaponry, but it's not as thick-skinned as the starbase. It can't carry armies, either. It can defend at the beginning of a game or bomb the enemy to smithereens, though.
    This ship and a DD are a matchup. The light cruiser is not much different that the DD; it's a little faster, but can carry fewer armies. It is typically equipped with destroyer-power afterburners.
    Not found on all servers, this ship is a slow planetary defense or base attack ship. It can beam up armies and use them as fighters, each which fires a torpedo at the enemy they are directed at. It's slow speed makes this ship a sitting duck when attacked, though.
    UTILITY (UT) Green Death gives hints on how to drive a UT
    Not found on all servers, this ship carries PTs on board. This ship makes an effective weapon against a base if played right (with swarms of consort PTs). Left alone, it's pretty useless.
    Small, fast, not much in the way of army carrying, torps, or phasers, but my oh my, those default missiles pack a huge punch. Six PT missiles will kill a battleship, but watch out so that you don't get tractored and phasered

  4. Controlling your ship
    So now you've selected a ship, and you're sitting staring at the left side of the window, going, "Wow, I've got my own ship..." Well stop staring and do something! Here's a quick rundown of the essential keys that you'll need to start out with:

    (1-9): Controls impulse speeds. Certain speeds are good for certain ships. Generally, 4 is about right for BBs, 6 for DDs. The rest you have to find out by from experience.

    Left mouse button: Fire a photon torpedo. This fires one shot of a primary offensive weapon toward the cursor. Be forewarned, photons wobble in flight.

    Middle mouse button: Fire phasers. This fires one phaser shot to the spot directly underneath the cursor. If there's a ship there, you hit it. If not, you're spewing out energy into empty space. Try again. Note that all weapons have limited ranges, and this one is no exception.

    Right mouse button: Turn ship. This makes your ship turn toward the cursor. Nothing else special about it.

    (s): Raise/lower the shields. Shields use fuel while they are up, so lowering them may conserve fuel. Beware a sneak attack, though.

    (z): Beam up armies from a friendly planet. You need at least 0.5 kills to beam up armies.

    (x): Beam down armies to a friendly or an enemy planet. Watch out for the 'Sorry, there are already xx planets in play' warning and enemy attackers!

    (t): Tractor beam. Opponent got out of the way of your carefully laid torp stream? Swing him around back into it with the handy dandy tractor beams. Even useful for swinging your enemy into stars. Watch out; your enemy might use the same tactic on you.

    (Y): Pressor beam. Uh oh, you're directly in the enemy's torp path and out of fuel. Apply your pressor beams to him and dodge out of the way! Then call for help.

    (h): Help Window. This is the place to find out what all the other keys on your keyboard do (and almost everyone does something ;).

    Dashboard: This isn't a key, but shows your status. It shows bars corresponding to how much fuel, shields, hull, speed, and armies you have. The fuller the bar, the less fuel, shields, hull, and the more speed & armies you have. Once your hull hits 0, you're dead. Once your fuel runs to 0, you stop. Once your shields hit 0, you start taking hull damage. It's pretty much self-obvious from there on.

  5. Sending messages and the Cluecheck
    Ok, you're wandering around the galaxy, doing serious harm to the enemy, when suddenly you notice that there is TEXT scrolling in a window down toward the bottom of the screen. Out of curiosity, you read some of it. Cryptic messages flash by, like
    F5->FED Ogg R2
    F5->ALL Geez, that player 6 doesn't know what the heck he's doing
    or... WAIT A MINUTE! YOU'RE PLAYER 6! Boy are you mad at player 5 now...

    You've a few choice words for player 5, but how do you send messages to someone else or to groups of people? Ok, if you want to type, hit 'm'. This gets you into message mode. Now, select a destination for your message. If you want to tell player '5' that he is a butthead, type 5 at this point. If you want to alert your own team to the enemy's presence, hit 'T' at this point. Other teams may be selected by the first letter of their race - 'F' for Fed, 'R' for Rom, 'K' for Kli, and 'O' for Ori. Or, if you just want to trash talk in front of everyone, try the 'A' key to send it to all.

    Now that you've selected a person or group to send it to, type your message. It might not all fit on one line, so you might have to send a couple of lines. After you're done typing the message, hit 'Return' to send it out.

    You can also send a message to yourself. This is required when the server god has a cluecheck in effect. You will be required to send yourself a test phrase in order to stay in the game.



    The above is a not too subtle hint about the message board. Why? Because sending and receiving messages is the heart of teamwork. Teamwork is the heart of winning a game and watching your opponents suffer a miserable defeat. You do want to win, don't you?


    Things such as telling people which enemy is carrying armies, where the enemy base is, what enemy planets to bomb, which planet you're carrying armies to, sending distress signals if you have 8 armies and are almost dead; these are good things to broadcast to people.



    Got it? I thought you would. Now go out and blast away! Or, for a summary of messaging controls, see a complete description of sending messages.

Intermediate Paradise Netrek

(The Brazilian's Guide to Playing Paradise)

Ok, now you've logged onto some servers, played around with it a little bit, but you just don't know what to do! Frustrating, right? Try out the Brazilian's tips & hints on what to do to help your team be victorious in Paradise!
  1. The Pre-game Warmup
    Despite the simplicity of jumping into a game, it's important to have things set up to your liking before the game. The first thing you can do is remap your keys for playing to a comfortable setting. For example, the Brazilian's keyboard is set up like this (in his ~/.xtrekrc file):
            keymap: tTTtg--ghsshnddnjDDjv``v
    Note that it takes something like tTTt to interchange the function of two keys. In this, I've switched it so that tractors are 't', entering warp is 'g', shields is 'h', detting enemy torps is 'n', detting my torps is 'j', and afterburners are 'v'. This makes almost all the functions I need for playing the game fit perfectly under my left hand.

    Another feature that the Brazilian takes advantage of (besides lots of experience and superb phaser locking skills) is to see everyone's tractors and pressors. He enables this by this setting in his .xtrekrc file:

            showAllTractorPressor: on
    Finally, in order to save time typing, the Brazilian defines his own macros. These send computed messages to people with a total of two keystrokes - shift-X and the letter of the macro he wants to send. For example, at the beginning of the game, he uses the macro
            macro.b.T:      BOMB!  BOMB!  BOMB!  BOMB!  BOMB!  BOMB!
    to tell people to get in an AS and bomb the enemy.

    You can help your cause a lot in Paradise by making use of the .xtrekrc options and macros. Bill Dyess has written up an excellent page on the options available for use in your .xtrekrc file, as well as a comprehensive guide to macro definitions.

  2. Jobs Of the Game
    Knowing what to do throughout the game is a must. Idly sitting around in your DD or BB is a waste of your team's most important resource -- YOU. Don't just sit there, DO something! The tips below are basic jobs to do. For a more complete reference, see the Tin Man's Guide to Jobs in Netrek. Or, read Hammor's Quick Road to Clue. It explains basic tactics and duties to the raw cadet.
    1. The game has just started.
      Well, this one's easy. Get yourself an AS and bomb the enemy homeworlds. In Paradise, the most important resources besides YOU are the armies. If your enemy doesn't have any armies, he can't take planets (or win the game).

      Alternatively, you may find some people attack the WB that usually pops up at the beginning of a game. You may find it very difficult to bomb the armies out from underneath a tough WB. So, help the players out that are trying to do this by getting a BB or a FR and attack the WB while your teammates bomb his planet!

    2. Your base is screaming for help.
      This one is easy to see as well. If your base is sending your team messages labeled with "DISTRESS" or something equally obnoxious, and is doing it often, get yourself a BB or an AS and DET ENEMY TORPS FOR YOUR BASE. The more you det, the more you save your base and the longer your base will be around protecting or holding armies for you to win with.

      An somewhat important thing is to also fire at incoming oggers for your base. Your base can only fire so many plasmas, torps, and phasers, and while your base may be good enough to hit with most of them, a well-synced ogg may result in more ships coming through than he can handle. So, help your base out and fire at those enemy ships to destroy them.

    3. You have no idea where all the planets are.
      shift-P toggles the planet display. If your team's number of planets and the opposing team's number of planets don't add up to 17, you don't know where all the enemy's planets are (and maybe secret stashes of armies). Get into an SC and warp around the galaxy trying to find them. If you find armies on enemy planets at this stage, bomb them all off with your SC. It's a tough little bird.
    4. Your team is behind in planets and your SB has lots of armies.
      Another easy one. Get into your favorite planet-taking ship (usually an AS, CL, DD, or SC), get a kill, and start taking planets with armies from your SB. If you need hints on this, watch KL - 1. His method of planet taking just can't be beaten.
    5. Your team is winning and your team has plenty of people taking.
      Escort! While this may be one of the more unrewarding jobs in Paradise, this needs to be done. Volunteer your assistance as an escort in a DD, CL, CA, FR, or BB to your team. Hopefully one of your takers will call for your help in clearing a planet of enemies or defending against enemy oggers as your teammate takes the planet.
  3. The Post-game Cooldown
    Just sit back and relax. Your team has won! Check and see how many planets you've taken and how many enemy armies you have destroyed!

Advanced Paradise Netrek

(The Brazilian's Special Forces / Special Tactics Guide)

So, you want to have your name feared throughout the Netrek galaxies? You want to have your name up there along with KL - 1, RICKER, and the Brazilian? Never! :) But if you want to try, here are some of the things that the Brazilian has picked up on...

  1. Photons, Phasers, Plasmas, Missiles, Tractors, and Pressors
    While these are the fundamental elements of dogfighting in the game, it is important to understand completely how these work. Your understanding will make you a better player.
    1. Photon Torpedoes
      The fundamental weapon in Paradise. You can fire eight of these at a time. Their fuel and weapon temp cost is fairly low, meaning you can fire a lot of these without running out of either too quickly. If you're fighting someone that doesn't dogfight very well, you can generally spit out a straight stream of 8-16 torps and get yourself another flag painted on your ship. If you're fighting someone that twists and turns and is hard to hit, you're going to have to fire a spread of them, and guess where they are going.

      Photon strength also varies with ship type. Bases and BBs have the strongest torps. PTs and SCs have the weakest. To become effective, you must learn to kill even the biggest ships with the smallest ones, and vice versa.

      You can hurt yourself with your own torpedoes! Getting too close to an enemy vessel will result in damage to you from the torpedo explosions. The Brazilian has been known to get burned by this on several occasions.

    2. Phasers
      The next fundamental weapon in Paradise. Generally used much more often by the bases since they do more close-in fighting. However, mastery of this weapon is often the key factor between a successful Paradise player and an average Paradise player. Every ship is equipped with a phaser that can be fired around once per second, depending on the ship. Unlike the photons, however, their damage decreases with increasing distance (i.e., the further away they are, the less damage you do to them). Close in, they can often spell quick death for ships. At point blank range, even an SC can mortally wound or kill something as large as a BB. Also, since phasers don't explode, a point-blank shot from a phaser will not cause damage to your own ship.

      If you get good enough, you can hit cloakers with your phaser locking skills. It's generally easiest to place your cursor over the galactic map on top of where the cloaker is and fire. If you lock, hit him over and over again. If not, it's generally better to fire a photon spread to find him.

      Phaser energy is fairly costly due to its large damage potential at close range. It also has a moderate weapon temp cost.

    3. Plasma Torpedoes
      On standard Paradise servers, plasmas are only available if you refit into another ship while having more than two kills. Basically, plasmas are useless unless you're in a heavy ship, like a BB, FR, or a base, because plasmas on lighter ships do very little damage in relation to the fuel and weapon temp they consume. Plasmas are just like torps, except they home in on ships a little bit. They do a fair amount of damage when they hit. However, they can also be phasered down by your enemy.

      Plasma lobbing is a difficult skill to learn. As a base, lobbing plasmas is a fun thing to do, but watch out! They consume a great deal of weapon temp. This weapon can actually be used with high accuracy on cloaked oggers, since it tracks just enough to hit incoming enemies in warp. Generally, a well placed plasma and a couple of short phaser shots will take out any type of enemy. If they're running with shields down, the plasma will completely destroy any ship it hits, except for an AS, WB, SB, CV, or UT. Of course, if you're lobbing plasmas odds are it's at enemy oggers, and people almost never come screaming straight in with a WB, SB, CV, or UT to ogg a base. It's the AS's that you have to be careful about.

    4. Missiles
      A specialty weapon. Any ship can get these after 2.5 kills on standard Paradise servers. PTs come armed with missiles automatically (i.e. they do not require any kills to use on a PT). Normal ships are loaded with between 6 and 18 missiles by default, whereas bases get an infinite number. Missiles on all ships but the PT are fairly slow weapons. Missiles also have the property that they can home in even on cloaked players.

      Missiles actually do a fair amount of damage for the limited weapon temp and fuel they consume, if they hit. Missiles can be detted by clued players for almost no damage, though.

      Special Brazilian note: It takes exactly 6 PT missile hits to kill a fresh BB.

    5. Tractors and Pressors
      Learn how to use these! These are critical in dogfighting, and even more so in bases. If you're ogging, you can use these to drag a base off his repair planet or to stop an enemy from entering warp on standard Paradise servers. Or, drag the enemy into your nearly well-placed photon stream to achieve a quick kill.

      Tractors and pressors can also be used for non-agressive purposes as well. For example, you can push the person you're escorting out of the way of an enemy torp stream. As a base, you can drag a wounded teammate into safety behind you from enemy oggers. As a JS, you can use them to help your teammate take planets and to hold off enemies.

      Another special Brazilian note: If your enemy is using a JS and some other ship to take planets, and the taker doesn't cloak while docked on the JS, tractor the taker off the JS (yes, this can even be done when the JS warps by) and plaster the taker for an easy doosh. This causes damage to the JS as well.

    6. Summary
      Photons: can fire up to 8 at once. Damage is constant over their entire flight path, but dependent on ship type. Light-moderate damage per photon. Low fuel and weapon temp cost. Can be detonated for less damage. Cause damage to yourself if you are too close to the target.

      Phasers: Can fire one burst about once per second. Damage decreases with increasing range. Range and initial damage varies per ship. Moderate fuel and weapon temp cost. Cannot be detonated, but a fairly precise strike is needed to hit an enemy. Do not cause damage to yourself, even if you are directly on top of an enemy (although an exploding ship resulting from your strike can damage you considerably; best bet is to pressor, then shoot - Jeffrey).

      Plasmas: Can fire exactly one at once. Damage is constant over entire flight path; but they are useless on anything smaller than a FR or a BB. Heavy damage, but high fuel and weapon temp cost. Cannot be detonated, but a direct phaser strike will neutralize them. This weapon tracks enemies slightly, even if cloaked.

      Missiles: Can fire up to four at once (two on a PT) on standard Paradise servers. Damage is constant over entire flight range, and is dependent on ship type. Moderate-heavy damage. Moderate-high fuel and weapon temp cost. Can be detonated for little damage. This weapon tracks enemies very well, even if cloaked.

      Tractors and Pressors: Only one beam at once. Not damaging, and range is dependent on ship type. Can be used to yank enemies off of bases, or bases off of planets. Does not work on cloaked players.

  • Basing
    Having recently completed several 100+ kill games, I feel free to speak on this subject as much as I want.

    First off, you're going to need some critical keys under your fingers. Find the special weapons key, the afterburner key, the shield key, the repair key, the tractor key, the pressor key, the phaser button, and the torp button. Next, zoom the galactic map (default: <Tab> key) so you can see incoming oggers. Now you're ready to base.

    1. Guarding or Building Planets
      Your first priority is to guard the planet you're sitting on. That means that any ship that comes in cloaked or that is racing toward your planet in an AS must die! Great, they're cloaked, so how do you pick them off? To answer this, let's take a look at typical bombing strategies:

      Most good players that go to bomb a planet do not come straight in. They know that's a sure way to get picked off, waste a ship, and give away a kill. They will come in to the sides of the planet and go toward it after that.

      Also, the ones that can really bomb a planet clean actually take several afterburner passes at the planet, depending on how aware they think the defenders are. If they think the defenders are sleeping, they'll afterburn straight toward the planet. If they see torps and plasmas flying everywhere, odds are there will be some serious twisting and dodging, possibly multiple times, past the planet before they enter orbit.

      So, now how do you pick them off? There are a few ways, including:
      1. Torp spreading. Spray torps through where the ships normally orbit the planet to find where they are and pick them off. Or, you can guess at where they are laying off the planet cloaked; this will generally cause them to move (if you guess well enough) and you can get a better idea of where the phaser lock point is.
      2. Phaser locking. Simple enough: try to guess where the phaser lock is. If you've just hit them with a torp, it's a lot easier to figure out. If you've got the galactic zoomed (which you should have done, if you're a base), you have a better than average chance of hitting them by placing your cursor over their cloak symbols.
      3. The waiting game. Generally not a good strategy for the initial bomb phase of the game, this involves waiting for the enemy players to settle down into orbit (or close to it). Their maneuverability is then much reduced, as well as their speed; it's easier to pick them off. This also gives them a second or two of bomb time, but not enough to do any real damage. Beware, though, if you miss, it can send your resources skyward in a vapor cloud. This is why it's not a good initial-game strategy; this allows your enemies to gradually bomb off your armies. When you have a SB, you can pick them up and don't have to worry about them getting bombed off.
      4. Missiles. Missiles track even cloaked players. The Brazilian doesn't use missiles since the SB missiles track too slowly to accurately determine an enemy player's position on the map. He has also defeated bases using the strategy repeatedly.
    2. Building
      The second most important thing besides space control and army defense is building. Don't waste your time building shipyards or repairs or fuels; these are bombed off with frightening regularity by stat scummers. Build AGRIs instead; they will produce many more armies and be worth more than anything with a wrench or a gear on it.

      There is an exception to the no-shipyard rule, of course. First, you may have to rebuild your homeworld's shipyard if it got bombed off. Second, if you want to move your entire armada closer to the enemy worlds, you will want to build a forward shipyard where your teammates can get to enemy lines faster and will be able to defend you easier. Finally, you may want to build an alternative shipyard for your teammates that isn't in the way of a star or other large deadly object on the map.

    3. Picking Off Oggers.
      Generally, if you see one or two oggers coming in, lob a plasma or a few missiles in their general direction. Note that most smart oggers will not come straight at you; they will aim toward either side of you. The plasmas do track slightly, so be aware of that as well. Now, if you're getting ogged fairly heavily, hit that afterburner key and head a fair distance from the planet (but watch that etemp). If the oggers are cloaked, you can either phaser a lot to try to pick them off, or you can wait until they de-cloak. Since de-cloaking takes a few ticks, you'll have a good second or two until they can throw anything at you; torp and phaser them. If they are not cloaked, just hit them with photons or phasers. Don't use plasmas after the initial shot since they cost a lot in weapon temp and will be shot down or avoided by a reasonably good player.

      If there's more than you can handle, do the same beginning steps as above, but don't hesitate to fire or attempt phaserlock on any of them, even if they are cloaked. Use a lot of afterburners (again, watch the etemp). If you are starting to get slowed down, call for help! You need at least one good teammate detting enemy torps for you. Call for help if you wtemp too; generally, though, if you wtemp, you should be able to hold them off for long enough to get another few shots off.

    4. Support at LPS.
      When you get your enemy down to his last planet, it can be a very difficult take, especially if the defenders are spraying a lot of torps everywhere. So take your base in! Sync up with the takers, then approach the planet and clear the planet of defenders (or cripple them) so your taker can stroll in and drop his armies on the planet. Special Brazilian Note: If you have a fast enough link to the server, AND if you can get close enough to the last planet to do this, you can pick off ships as they enter the game before they can fire shots at you. How can you do this? Well, first off, most people have a half-second delay due to their normal reaction times. Second, there is another half-second to five-second delay from the time a person dies to the time they can get back into the game. So, by torping and phasering a player immediately when you see them enter, you can generally pick them off with only minor or no damage. The other reason this can be done is that they are stationary when they enter; since most people can't drive and shoot at the same time, they have a choice to make. If they run, phaser and torp them. If they shoot at you, dodge, then phaser and torp. Most people aren't bright enough to det their own missed torps either. Also, if you have the other base right next to you, this is a lot easier.

    Basic concepts overview